→ Are you feeling pulled to make some kind of life-change but don’t know where to start?

→ Are you looking to learn more about self healing, intuition, or feeling empowered?

→ Are you feeling disconnected - even lonely, especially these past couple of years?

Whether you are wanting more guidance on how to move through the mental-muck, get in touch with your own worth and potential, or explore your spiritual nature.


Then this is a great place to start!


If I've learned anything from the 1000’s of conversations I’ve had with clients over the past 2 decades, it is profound how badly we need more guidance in self-care and a sense of community to support that.

 This need inspired me to cultivate a soulful and empowering women's community called

The Optimal Self Society



  • This membership is a healthy online circle where you can start your holistic journey, or continue to support your inner-healing, while learning more about yourself.
  • This is a gentle space that you can visit at your leisure and show up as you are. 
  • Where you feel safe, supported and held by both myself and your fellow members.
  • Where you can explore different concepts that I’ll be teaching.
  • Where you can dance with your shadow to learn how to move through guilt, shame, and into forgiveness and self-compassion.
  • Where you can step into your centered, intuitive, Empowered SELF. 

If you want to remember how to be playful, lean into your AWESOME, learn to trust your inner-knowing, explore a bit of ‘the woo’ and learn a whole lot about ‘yourself’, please come on in!

I will be your supportive guide, and you will soon appreciate knowing that you are NOT ALONE in your journey.

Click here to join now!

Back when I began my inner-quest, I had those same feelings inside. I felt ungrounded, lost, disconnected and alone. 

I grew up in an environment of adversity, poverty, substance problems, and abuse which became the norm. I moved out on my own when I was 16. By my early 20’s I was clearly spiraling, self-sabotaging, creating drama, and deeply losing my sense of self worth to the point of hitting a rocky bottom.

This rude awakening set me on an expedition to learn as much as I could about healing my thought patterns, self-forgiveness, compassion, listening to my body, connecting to energy and honouring my process while healing.

So after over 20 years of my own deep dive into my shadow, facing my fears, my mistakes, and my shame, I’ve been an advocate for others to learn to 

Love Thy Self & Heal Thy Legacy

Taking spiritual workshops, reading self-help books and listening to inspiring podcasts was the beginning of something beautiful. However, I found my follow-through wasn’t as potent as it could have been!

I recognized that REAL transformations in my core beliefs finally shifted once I had a few trusted mentors, teachers and coaches who helped me find MY worth, my own light. Once I put pen to paper, actually did the work and not just educate myself about it - I went from simply KNOWING to UNDERSTANDING myself with the support of a guide. 

This propelled me to become a Certified Empowerment Coach so I could to do the deep inner-work and to also share the work with others in an informed way.

Your soul journey is truly an
inside job AND that having an aligned community to support the process makes you more successful to your inner-growth! You don't have to do it alone!

I learned how to activate my own INNER WISDOM.
I now could finally TRUST myself.

That was HUGE. That was MAGIC.
That was in fact FUN!

The Optimal Self Society was born from a nurturing place that supports human connection, self-awareness and wellness practices you can stick to!
Would you like to be a part of a fun online women's circle to start your holistic journey? 
Do you want to feel supported with your ongoing soul-work?
Are you curious about energy, spirituality, woo-woo and feeling grounded?
Have you been looking to be guided by someone authentic (and fun!)?
Folks, I have all this information, knowledge, training, wisdom, experience, excitement and soul's passion bubbling within me that I’ve been sharing all along with clients. However, I was only able to reach those who came for 1:1 treatments for the longest time.

This community has taking on a beautiful life of it's own that you can't help but long to be a part of.  You will find with each month this membership will bring you more self-awareness, empowerment, lightness, connection, joy and progress.

The undeniable sisterhood has opened hearts and created tender connections in this safe sphere of personal expansion since 2021.

Come as you are. 

Enjoy a breath of fresh air with this community.

Explore each Monthly Module at your own pace. 

Give yourself the gift for your Body, Mind, Soul & Spirit.
Self-Care is NOT selfish - it is necessary!

What to Expect inside the Optimal Self Society (OSS) Program

✓The OSS 12 month Program ReOpens Nov. 1st, 2024!

✓4 monthly ‘Inner-Shift Generator’ lessons per module containing sessions, activities and/or prompts by video and/or audio
✓ Downloadable PDF Worksheets to accompany some of the lessons for deeper soul work
✓ Direction on how to learn to connect with the deeper layers of YOUR human experience (body, mind, soul & spirit) on a Holistic level.
✓ 1 Optimal Self Society Program Zoom Meditation & Distance Healing session monthly over zoom (45min).
✓ 1 Special Guest that is an expert in their zone of genius guiding us through a mini-workshop, exercise or experience! 
✓ Past experts such as: Shawn Leonard (Aboriginal Psychic Medium), Terra Brockett (Certified Sound Healing Therapist & Meditation Teacher),  Dr. Priya Joshi (Naturopath), Angie Oriana Jenkins (Herbalist & Educator), Nikki Otto (Dietitian & Nutritionist specializing in Disordered Eating) to start!
✓ Archive library of video content from the birth of the OSS Interest Group. There's SO much valuable content to keep you engaged!
✓ Private Facebook group only for registered OSS Program Students & Members
✓ Each themed month’s content will be available at the beginning of each month. Dates of the LIVE Zoom's will be announced too. (Typically on Thursdays at 8pm AST)

✓ Many students have remained in the sisterhood community after the 12 months as an OSS Member since we opened the doors in 2021. You can too for a reduced monthly rate once you complete the 12 months! Additional perks in the Membership too!
✓ You have first-dibs access to future online programs, workshops and 1-1 coaching openings outside of the membership!
✓ You will be locked into the OSS Program 2024 monthly rate should rates increase.

The Value of the OSS Program

Each month Jasmin delivers:

  • mini-workshops
  • reflective lessons
  • live group meditations 
  • distance energy healing sessions
  • recorded guided meditations
  • special guest experts
  • a module review
  • community connection
    and so much more. Plus, it’s easy to access on your phone, computer or tablet.


  • $1197 - Training Modules
  • $2997 - Live Calls & Mentorship
  • $597 - In Addition To The Live Calls
  • $497 - Bonus
  • Priceless! - Community Hub & Support

Total = $5288

That brings your Optimal Self Society Program Experience value to a grand total of $5,288+!



Date OSS Program Begins: ReOpens Nov. 1st, 2024

  •  Monthly Fee: $47
  • You won't be behind if you join now. Work at your own pace.
  • All new members to the OSS Program are entered into a draw to win a few fun prizes!
  • Doors close Dec 30th, 2024. 

 Monthly Theme Outline:

  • JANUARY - New Year, Go Easy
  • FEBRUARY - Self Love Is Not Selfish
  • MARCH - You Are The Captain of Your Compass
  • April - Feeling The Sun On Your Face
  • May - Taking Root
  • June - Blossoming into your wisdom
  • July - Expansion
  • August Play Time!
  • September Trust & Listen
  • October - Creativity & Connection
  • NOVEMBER - Transition & Truth
  • December - The Gift of Compassion

My final question to you is, would you like to generate an Inner-Shift? 

Do you want to be the best version of yourself? 

Please please don’t confuse that question with “do you want to be perfect”. 

NO….  I mean do you want to really honour You and who YOU desire to be. Not who and what others expect you to be!

Discover your greatest expression of yourself and Activate Your Inner Wisdom! 

This community would be a fit for you if you:

  • Would you like to be a part of a spiritual, empowered, mystical online women's circle.

  • You are feeling stuck, a bit lonely, desire connection with like-minded women?

  • You want to learn more about energy, spirituality, woo-woo and how to feel grounded in your daily life?

  • You have been looking for an experienced mentor/ guide/ teacher who 'gets it', is playful, authentic, and intuitive.

If this is something you’d like to explore, then please join me now inside the Optimal Self Society!

Warmly and joyfully yours,


Receive 3 FREE gifts!

Thank you for taking the time to check out the OSS Membership! Take a moment to tell me a little bit about your potential Limiting Beliefs and Mental Roadblocks and as a big 'thank you!' I will share:

1. A unique (and a little sassy) Optimal Self Downloadable Colouring Book designed by Empowerment Coach Jasmin MacKinnon!
2. A relaxing and anchoring 12 minute Meditation on Finding Your Center for Busy Minds
3. A compassionate and uplifting 20 minute meditation on Self Love & Acceptance.

Take The Survey