
MindSet Survey

Discover limiting mindsets

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Question 1 of 8

Which statement best describes how you feel when someone compliments you?


I point out every way that they are wrong. I do not like it and feel uncomfortable


I say "thanks!" but tell them to stop it and change the topic quickly. If they only knew the truth.


I accept it with a heartfelt thanks! It was nice to hear!

Question 2 of 8

Which statement best describes how you feel when you think about having to tell someone you can not help them with something?


I can not bear it. I will go out of my way to help them. Someone has to!


I feel pretty bad and uncomfortable and I would offer other suggestions.


If I truly couldn't help someone out, or I actually didn't want to, I would be comfortable telling them "sorry but no I can't".

Question 3 of 8

Which statement best describes how you feel when someone else got the job you applied for?


Of course I did not get it. Things never go my way. I am going to be stuck in my current situation.


I am disappointed and I wish I had done more to prepare.


I did my best and felt content with my performance. I trust the other applicant was more qualified.

Question 4 of 8

Which statement best describes how you feel when a close friendship ends?


I can not seem to get over it and I am really sad. I think about it a lot.


I feel down about this loss and I do not know if this was the right thing?


I am disappointed but I can see how it is for the better. I will not dwell on it.

Question 5 of 8

Which statement best describes how you feel when you are being challenged to try something totally new that could be a positive experience?


I feel very afraid and I cant take the first step because I'm anxious of the unknown outcome.


I feel nervous about this new experience and I have a ton of questions but I am open to explore this.


I am intrigued with excitement and a little hesitant, but look forward to trying something new.

Question 6 of 8

Which statement best describes how you feel when your good friend gets rewarded for their work and receives a raise?


I wish I would get recognized for once. I know I deserve more.


I would like to get recognized like that. What did she do that was so good anyway?


I am so proud of and inspired by my friend.

Question 7 of 8

Which statement best describes how you feel when someone doesn't keep their promise?


This is unacceptable, frustrating and so disrespectful. This makes me feel angry.


Why do I even bother with this person? Next time I am so done with the excuses.


I wonder what is going on with them for them to drop the ball like that.

Question 8 of 8

Which statement best describes how you feel when someone challenges your knowledge around a subject you are passionate about?


How dare they question my knowledge? I know I'm right and I'll prove it.


It is a little insulting that they are wondering if I know what I am talking about.


I welcome this conversation because I may learn something or have an opportunity to share a different perspective with them. This could be a really cool open conversation

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